Pha Brings Thanksgiving Home To The Residents

The agency provides “grab and go” meals and turkeys

(Philadelphia – Nov. 20, 2020) – Due to the alarming surge in COVID-19 cases, the Philadelphia Housing Authority (PHA) is changing its annual Thanksgiving celebrations to keep residents close to home.

Instead of its annual Thanksgiving gathering for seniors, PHA provided “grab and go” meals to 18 senior housing sites. The meals will includes: turkey and gravy, macaroni and cheese, candied yams, cranberry sauce, rolls and even sweet potato pies. Seniors will be able to pick up a meal, and then return to their apartment. Free masks and information on how to be safe during the holidays will also be distributed. They also will receive gift bags provided by InnovAge and fruit and veggie bags from Aetna.

Daily Dove Care, a home healthcare agency, along with Unity in the Community, a non-profit organization dedicated to changing the lives of others in the South Philadelphia area, donated thanksgiving boxes with turkeys along with the fixings to 300 families at PHA’s  Bartram Village site.

“The Thanksgiving gathering for seniors is one of my favorite events,” said Kelvin A. Jeremiah, President and CEO of the Philadelphia Housing Authority. “This year we all need to stay home and be safe for the holidays. It is imperative we celebrate differently this year, so we can all come together next year!”

In addition, PHA will also giveaway 1,600 turkeys.  The head of households were entered into a raffle; the winners will pick up a turkey at their manager’s office. Daily Dove Care, a home healthcare agency with Unity in the Community, a non-profit organization dedicated to changing the lives of others in the South Philadelphia area, donated  thanksgiving boxes with turkeys along with the fixings to 300 families at Bartram Village. Philly Flavors FM Radio Station will distribute 50 turkeys to families at Richard Allen Homes. “I want to thank all these organizations for giving back to the city’s most vulnerable during these challenging times,” said Jeremiah.

Due to COVID-19, Philadelphia Housing Authority provided “grab and go” meals to 18 senior housing sites. The meals will includes: turkey and gravy, stuffing, macaroni and cheese, candied yams, cranberry sauce, rolls and even sweet potato pies. Seniors will be able to pick up a meal, and then return to their apartment. They also will receive gift bags provided by InnovAge and fruit and veggie bags from Aetna. 

PHA Commits 240 Properties for New Affordable Housing

Philadelphia Housing Authority Commits 240 Properties for New Affordable Housing

Community nonprofits will acquire the land and develop permanent,
affordable housing in Eastern North Philadelphia

PHILADELPHIA – As new market-rate development continues to span across Eastern North Philadelphia neighborhoods, the Philadelphia Housing Authority (PHA) is committing 240 properties, which includes vacant structures and lots to several community nonprofits to develop new permanent, affordable housing. This major initiative has been in the works for years.

PHA’s proposal to transfer the parcels is through an initiative led by Councilmember Maria D. Quiñones Sánchez (7th Council District) and CEIBA, a non-profit organization that serves Philadelphia’s Latino community. Through this partnership, the vacant properties will be transferred to several local community service providers that will develop the parcels into new affordable housing, while at the same time addressing neighborhood blight and housing affordability in rapidly gentrifying communities. Partners in this initiative includes HACE, Esperanza, the Norris Square Community Alliance and Asociación Puertorriqueños en Marcha (APM).

“The city’s affordable housing crisis requires an absolute commitment from partners who are in the business of creating affordable housing,” said PHA’s President and CEO Kelvin Jeremiah. “We work with like-minded organizations to leverage resources and invest in building new affordable housing units in communities that are becoming unaffordable. Our community and elected stakeholders help us bring these plans to fruition and achieve impactful results for the entire city. These efforts will help balance the increasing volume of market rate development in these neighborhoods and ensure that the properties will be available for future affordable development. I’d like thank Councilmember Maria D. Quiñones Sánchez and our 7th District partners for their leadership and collaboration on this important initiative.”

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PHA COVID-19 Update

The City of Philadelphia and Commonwealth of Pennsylvania have put new restrictions and guidelines in place in response to the recent surge in COVID-19 cases.

When around others who are not members of your household – either indoors or outdoors – always wear a mask and social distance.

Gatherings involving people from more than one household are prohibited, even those held at home.  Please continue to be diligent and safe during this holiday season!

Visit the city’s novel coronavirus website for more details.

PHA MTW Draft Plan FY2022

(APRIL 1, 2021 TO MARCH 31, 2022)


This Annual Plan provides information on activities planned by the Philadelphia Housing Authority (PHA) under the Moving To Work Demonstration Program (MTW) for PHA Fiscal Year 2022, i.e. the period from April 1, 2021 to March 31, 2022.

PHA has been an MTW agency since April 2001, operating under an MTW Agreement with the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). The MTW Agreement, as amended, describes the authority and flexibility granted to PHA under the MTW program along with the requirements for participation. PHA’s MTW Agreement with HUD extends through 2028.

MTW is a demonstration program authorized by Congress, through which PHA and other participating agencies have the flexibility to waive certain statutes and HUD regulations to design and test approaches for providing housing assistance that address one or more of the following statutory objectives:

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PHA MTW Plan FY2021 with Proposed Amendments

(APRIL 1, 2021 TO MARCH 31, 2022)


This Annual Plan provides information on activities planned by the Philadelphia Housing Authority (PHA) under the Moving To Work Demonstration Program (MTW) for PHA Fiscal Year 2022, i.e. the period from April 1, 2021 to March 31, 2022.

PHA has been an MTW agency since April 2001, operating under an MTW Agreement with the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). The MTW Agreement, as amended, describes the authority and flexibility granted to PHA under the MTW program along with the requirements for participation. PHA’s MTW Agreement with HUD extends through 2028.

MTW is a demonstration program authorized by Congress, through which PHA and other participating agencies have the flexibility to waive certain statutes and HUD regulations to design and test approaches for providing housing assistance that address one or more of the following statutory objectives:

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Notice of Public Comment and Hearing Period MTW Plan FY 20201

(APRIL 1, 2021 TO MARCH 31, 2022)


This Annual Plan provides information on activities planned by the Philadelphia Housing Authority (PHA) under the Moving To Work Demonstration Program (MTW) for PHA Fiscal Year 2022, i.e. the period from April 1, 2021 to March 31, 2022.

PHA has been an MTW agency since April 2001, operating under an MTW Agreement with the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). The MTW Agreement, as amended, describes the authority and flexibility granted to PHA under the MTW program along with the requirements for participation. PHA’s MTW Agreement with HUD extends through 2028.

MTW is a demonstration program authorized by Congress, through which PHA and other participating agencies have the flexibility to waive certain statutes and HUD regulations to design and test approaches for providing housing assistance that address one or more of the following statutory objectives:

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