PHA Launches New Digital Service for Residents

System Offers Convenience 24 Hours a Day

(Philadelphia – August 4, 2020)– The Philadelphia Housing Authority (PHA) Housing has launched a digital rental payment option for all residents.  The Public Housing Customer Service Portal on the home page (www.phauthority.wpengine.com) of the agency’s web site allows residents to pay their rent online. Residents can also check their balances, get notifications, and view their payment history in addition to paying their rent. The service operates 24 hours a day.

“PHA wants to make it easy for residents to pay their rent on time, with many more service options on the horizon,” said PHA President and CEO Kelvin A. Jeremiah.

Payment through the new system is secure and does not contain valuable or confidential personal information. With reduced federal funding, efficient rent collections are critical to PHA. Those payments support maintenance and upkeep of the properties that residents call home.

“We expect that this new service option will improve rent collection while making things easier for working families,” Jeremiah said. “Some of our residents are not comfortable with a drop box or sending their rent payments through the mail. The new portal provides our residents the same convenient options as those provided by a private landlord.”

In the past, PHA residents mailed their checks or money orders or brought them to the management office in person. This option remains available to residents, some of whom lack digital access or for whatever reason prefer paying rent in a traditional manner.

Residents can use credit or debit cards on the system which charges a 1.25% processing fee per transaction that pays the vendor of the software; no money goes to PHA.


The Philadelphia Housing Authority’s mission is to open doors to affordable housing, economic opportunity and safe, sustainable communities to benefit Philadelphia residents with low incomes.

PHA Eviction Moratorium Extended Into 2021

Stability, Health of Residents Are Prime Concerns

(Philadelphia – July 30, 2020)– In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, and to ensure continued housing stability for its residents, the Philadelphia Housing Authority (PHA) has implemented an eviction moratorium until March 15, 2021.

PHA wants to assure its 80,000 low-income residents, who have been disproportionately impacted by the virus, that their housing will not be a cause for concern during this period of health and economic uncertainty.

“The federal eviction moratorium expires this week.  Pennsylvania Gov. Tom Wolf has extended it to the end of August, while the Congress and the Trump Administration debate another extension.  I wanted to take bold action in this regard, to maintain housing stability for our residents,” said PHA President and CEO Kelvin A. Jeremiah.

“The decision by PHA to extend the moratorium on evictions is compassionate, humane, and thoughtful at a time when the economy is depressed and many of our residents have lost their jobs and seen their incomes drastically reduced,” said Asia Coney, president of the Resident Advisory Board (RAB).

Jeremiah noted the moratorium has special conditions:

  • The moratorium will apply only to matters involving the nonpayment of rent and related fees;
  • It does not apply to eviction actions related to health and safety;
  • The moratorium does not treat nonpayment of rent and fees during this period as forgiven;
  • Individuals are still responsible for any rent or money owed under the terms of the lease agreement;
  • Residents who can pay their rent are strongly encouraged to do so in accordance with the terms of the lease agreement;
  • And residents who are unable to pay or who face a financial hardship should immediately apply for a PHA Hardship Waiver or request to enter into a payment plan.

Jeremiah said PHA has an important role to play in containing the virus and promoting health and wellbeing during the economic recovery. It has provided more than 22,000 free masks to residents and free meals throughout this health crisis.

PhillySEEDS Awards College Scholarships to 77 PHA Residents

Awards Set New Record

(Philadelphia, PA – July 15, 2020)  -PhillySEEDS, Inc., a Philadelphia Housing Authority (PHA) subsidiary, has honored 77 PHA residents seeking higher education with$291,000in scholarships.

The scholarships, given to both graduating high school seniors and students already in college, were noted during the PHA Board of Commissioners virtual meeting.

Of the 77 college students receiving scholarships:

  • 45 with GPAs between 3.30 and 4.00 received $5,000.
  • 17 with GPAs between 3.00 and 3.29 received $3,000.
  • 15 with GPAs between 2.50 and 2.99 received $1,000.

In 2019, PhillySEEDS awarded 70 scholars totaling $258,000 in Scholarship dollars.

“We’re thrilled to recognize the incredible work being done by PHA residents to put themselves on a path to social and economic mobility. Education is a game changer. PHA stands by them on their journeys,” said PHA President & CEO Kelvin A. Jeremiah.

The scholarship recipients represent PHA developments around the City, as well as the Housing Choice Voucher Program (also known as Section 8).

  • 41 out of the 77 awardees are First time PhillySEEDS Awardees
  • 19 out of the 77 awardees just graduated high school and are entering into their first semester of college/university
  • 46 awardees are Housing Choice Voucher Residents
  • 31 awardees are living in Public Housing/PAPMC sites

A total of almost$1.9 millionhas now been awarded to490residents since this program began in 2013.  Money for the scholarships comes from PHA’s operating budget and funds donated by program supporters and vendors.

The 2020 PhillySEEDS Scholarship Review Committee members received a total of 103 PhillySEEDS scholarship applications. The committee composed of PHA employees, student residents, and a resident leader reviewed those applications. They included essays, community service, extracurricular activities, internships, recommendation letters, and academic transcripts were considered by the committee.

Scholarship applications for next year will be made available in spring 2021.

PhillySEEDS, Inc. is an award-winning, 501(c) (3), charitable, non-profit corporation founded by PHA to promote the social and economic advancement of PHA-assisted residents through philanthropic activities, community-based partnerships, and special initiatives.

PHA Awarded Grants for After School, Parenting Programs

(Philadelphia – June 30, 2020)-William Penn Foundation (WPF) has conferred two, generous grants to the Philadelphia Housing Authority’s (PHA) to address the impacts of COVID-19 and the economic shutdown. The $150,000 grants to each program will help the authority modify the ParentChild+ home visiting program and out-of-school time (OST) program for youth, keeping participants safe during the pandemic.

“We are thrilled and most grateful to the William Penn Foundation for its support of these vital programs. The emergency caused by the pandemic has stretched everyone’s resources, so these grants are like manna from heaven,” said PHA President and CEO Kelvin A. Jeremiah.

“We know that much work is needed to ensure that all Philadelphians share in the recovery from COVID- 19,” said Janet Haas, M.D., Board Chair of William Penn Foundation, in a statement detailing these grants among others.

“These initial grants signify our commitment to helping ensure that all Philadelphians have the opportunities and resources needed to thrive.”

The Foundation grant to the ParentChild+ home visiting program will allow it to expand and cover 50 more PHA families. Home visitors coach adults on the best ways to use books and play to support their child’s development.

The William Penn Foundation award a $150,000 grant to the ParentChild+ home visiting program to allow it to expand and cover 50 more PHA families. Home visitors coach adults on the best ways to use books and play to support their child’s development. The Foundation awarded another $150,000 grant for the authority’s out-of-school time (OST) programming for 250 youth at 11 sites.

Families with children ranging in age from 16 months to 5 years will receive twice weekly Zoom “visits” from a community-based early learning expert, as well as children’s books and educational toys. The visits will help reduce learning loss and family stress. The health emergency has made it extremely difficult for families living in PHA developments to participate in existing early childhood programs offered by the agency.

The second grant will transform PHA’s out-of-school time (OST) programming for 250 youth at 11 sites. The authority and its partner organizations will redesign and implement enhanced OST programming that responds to the current conditions, including developing print materials and virtual programming, and extending the “Lunch and Literacy” program at three sites. The agency has moved to substantially expand internet access at its sites, which will strengthen this work.

The William Penn Foundation was founded in 1945 by Otto and Phoebe Haas, and dedicated to improving the quality of life in the Greater Philadelphia region through efforts that increase educational opportunities for children from low-income families, ensure a sustainable environment, foster creativity that enhances civic life, and advances philanthropy in the Philadelphia region. In 2020, the Foundation will grant more than $117 million to support vital efforts in the region.

Summer Food Program Ensures Good Nutrition for Kids

Healthy Eating is Especially Important during the Health Emergency

(Philadelphia, PA – June 15, 2020) – The Philadelphia Housing Authority’s (PHA) school age residents and those in surrounding neighborhoods will have access to healthy breakfasts and lunches this summer, despite the disruptions caused by the national health emergency.

“Access to good, nutritional meals is critical to the overall development of young people in addition to maintaining their health during this crisis,” said PHA President and CEO Kelvin A. Jeremiah. “Many families in Philadelphia need access to food because of City’s high poverty rate and the additional challenges of the pandemic.”

The PHA Summer Food Service Program will offer those meals from now until Friday, August 14th. Hours of operation are Monday thru Friday 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Youth ages 3 to 18 from public housing sites and the surrounding neighborhoods will pick up an estimated 25,000 meals. This year is a grab and go model to adhere to the social distancing. The program also provides 25 part-time jobs forPHA residents and local residents this year.
The following sites will have the program: Abbottsford Homes, Bartram Village, Cambridge/Richard Allen, Fairhill Apartments, Harrison Plaza, Johnson Homes, Lucien E. Blackwell Community Center, Norris Apartments, Oxford Village, Raymond Rosen, Spring Garden, West Park Apartments, and Wilson Park.
PHA is partnering with CBS Kosher Foods to offer the Summer Food program this year, greatly reducing the agency’s costs.

The PHA Summer Food Service Program offers breakfast and lunch in addition to comprehensive summer youth enrichment activities at 13 locations, running until Friday, August 14th.  Shown here, a group of young women enjoy their lunch and socializing at the John F. Street Community Center in North Philadelphia.

Children who do not live near a participating PHA site can still go to a neighboring site or one of 150 sites operated by the City’s Department of Parks and Recreation, which will offer similar meals.

Residents, including those who were formerly served at sites that are not hosting the program this summer, can go online to the USDA website at www.fns.usda.gov/summerfoodrocks to locate the Summer Food locations closest to them. Residents can also look for the site nearest to them at www.phila.gov/youthprograms/meals/Pages/default.aspx, www.hungercoalition.org/summermeals, or by texting “FOOD” or “MEALPA” to 877-877, or calling 1-855-252-MEAL. For more information about participating in PHA’s Summer Food Service Program, call 215-684-3959.

SFSP is a reimbursement-based grant program funded by the United States Department of Agriculture, through Pennsylvania’s Department of Education. The intent of this program is to provide free breakfast, lunch, and/or snacks to children 18-years-old and under. For more information about participating in PHA’s Summer Food Service Program, call 215-684-3959.

PHA Begins Distributing Masks to Seniors

PHA is giving away more than 22,000 cloth masks to all public housing residents, thanks to the generous donations from Council President Darrell Clark, Councilwoman Cindy Bass, Councilman Kenyatta Johnson, and the Philadelphia 76ers. This event kicked off at Sharswood Tower, one of PHA’s senior residences, located in North Philadelphia. The masks are critical to protect against COVID-19 and are a necessity for seniors and those living in congregate settings.

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