Board of Commissioners

The regularly-scheduled meetings of the PHA Board of Commissioners, as approved by the Board as its annual meeting on May 20, 2022, will be on the dates shown below, at 3 p.m., at 2013 Ridge Avenue, Philadelphia, PA 19121, unless otherwise indicated on the PHA website.
Board meeting agendas are available on the PHA website at least 24 hours in advance and any schedule changes will be posted there, in advance, as well:
Public Participation Procedure for PHA Board Meetings
Consistent with Board Resolution No. 11502, public comments may be made at PHA Board meetings, whether on a specific resolution or at the general comment period at the end of the meeting.
Persons wishing to comment should sign up to do so when they arrive at the meeting. Comments are limited to three minutes per person, per item, and are to be civil.
More detail is set forth in Resolution 11502, which can be found on the PHA website, as part of the minutes from the January 16, 2012 Board Meeting: Click Here
PHA Commissioners